My Shiny Pokemon Collection

(Originally written August 2023)

Table of contents:
Gen 7 shinies
Lucky - Emerald - Linguini - Maize - Jon

Gen 6 shinies
Guilla - Arbok - Bulbasaur

Disclaimer: .PK7/.PK6 files are shared with the assumption that 1. Your 3DS console is already modded, 2. You already understand how to use PKHeX. I cannot troubleshoot when it comes to modding/CFW or how to transfer these to later games. I'm not a competitive player so these Pokemon are as-is and probably not suited for any serious strategy. You are free to modify the files however you want; Put them in your save file to collect and use, breed, change their name/stats/OT, give them out on Wonder Trade, etc.

Gen 7 shinies


The story behind Lucky is a funny one... I was just trying to finish the Alola Pokedex; Lucario was among the Pokemon I didn't have yet. I got a Riolu off the GTS, but despite maxxing the happiness it didn't evolve... so I figured I would try to just go catch a wild one via chaining. During my incredibly long chain, a shiny one shows up and I proceeded to lose my shit and catch him. This was before I even got my shiny charm! But I never understood the method for intentionally getting shinies in other games... SOS chaining is tedious, but straight forward. Lucky kickstarted my short phase of shiny hunting in Sun/Moon.
(AKA the last Pokemon game I truly enjoyed... but that's a rant for another day...)


Took 15 chains. Not great in battle last time I checked. I sought this out for having a good design + good shiny colors.


Of COURSE I had to get a shiny Alolan Rattata! Linguini isn't for battle; I just like feeding and taking cute pictures of her. I didn't keep track of how many chains it took (I took a nap break...), but it was over 30.


My trophy wife. (Kidding...) Took 2 hours to chain.


Jon was my last shiny chaining project in Sun/Moon due to how long and annoying it took. For the record, I cloned Jon in PKHeX so I could have a shiny version of both forms, but I never got around to evolving the Rockruff. PKHeX also initially thought there was an issue with little Jon (heh), but when I click on the symbol it claims he's legal. I don't know why that shows up for the Rockruff and not his clone. He's legit, trust me.

Gen 6 shinies


This is the shiny Haxorus that appears in the Nature Preserve in Black/White 2, AKA the greatest main series game. I liked her enough to transfer her to XY. (BW2 is the only other game with things to do post-E4, so I didn't want to transfer my other good Pokemon...then I would have nothing to do.)


Found on the GTS and traded in exchange for a Xerneas. Was that a good idea? I don't know, but I like her.


Not to be a hater, but I didn't like ORAS enough to finish it. Still haven't gotten the last badge... But I randomly got this in a Wonder Trade. Maybe I can set some time aside to grind and have him on my team?