
This site is technically safe-for-work (no sexually explicit images) but not intended for minors. I can't force anyone to not browse, but it's not made with you or your safety in mind.

This is not social media. I'm not going to forbid ("DNI") anyone from solely looking at my pages. I will exclusively speak from my own perspective (unless stated otherwise) and while I don't go out of my way to purposely alienate viewers, I won't walk on eggshells to avoid offending either. More technical info here.


Welcome to a publicly viewable museum of my brain! I initially wanted to have an art gallery since there are currently not any adequate options for me, but now I mostly write about things that interest or amuse me. HARDMACHINE is an acquired taste...if you don't like it, acquire some taste. Just kidding, I have links out if this is a rabbit hole you want to crawl out of.

All code used is recycled in some way - feel free to borrow/copy♡ any assets you want, reuse/repurpose any topics I've written about, or reference/draw inspiration from any art shared. (Just don't hotlink or use any original/non-fan art.) Most pages are mobile responsive, but some look better on desktop. I avoid using imagery that might trigger epilepsy, but some gifs and blinkies have light flashing. I also require Javascript for galleries and other effects. Unfortunately, I also compress images to save bandwidth, so official art, screenshots, and other graphics can have an obvious dip in quality.

Psst! Hey! Did you know that Disney is a driving force for ratphobia in the media? Pst! Hey! Get off your phone and stop doomscrolling!

Random status


4/28/2024: New shrine added!
4/25/2024: New filler rune added.
4/23/2024: Index code tweaked again, and shrine updated. I'm working on another one offline and my brain is expanding!
4/20/2024: Index code tweaked, and shrine updated. I don't care about weed so today's date is irrelevant. Teehee!
4/16/2024: New art uploaded. I was saving this for a bulk upload when I fix the main two galleries, but I don't know when that will be.
4/9/2024: New rune finally finished. I took my main art galleries offline last week to be fixed up, so past updates are wiped.
3/25/2024: Another new (but short) rune. I now have a 95% working offline copy of this site.
3/20/2024: New rune, albeit a filler one. I'm trying to have a working offline copy of this site, and tearing my hair out in the process.

Webrings, etc.

« I'm Gen Lissa »

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My TCG partner // Alolan Rattata